The following lists show the institutions supported by the higher education funding councils and, separately, “other organisations and bodies” including named individuals that were awarded contracts let by the Research, Development and Statistics group within the Home Office since 2003.
List A: Institutions supported by higher education funding councils 2003-04
Cardiff University
De Montfort University
Edinburgh University
Glamorgan University
Kings College London
Middlesex University
Newcastle University
Oxford University
School for Policy Studies (University of Bristol)
Sheffield Hallam University
South Bank University
University of Bristol
University of Central England
University of Glamorgan
University of Glasgow
University of Leicester
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
University of Oxford
University of Southampton
University of Surrey
University of Warwick
University of York
List B: Other organisations and bodies including named individuals 2003-04
ACF Hospitality
Aidan Wilcox
Alan Aldridge
Alan Dyson
Alan Gilbert
Alice Bloch
Andrew Harvey
Andrew Percy
Anthony Bleetman
B. Fletcher
Barry Webb
Beryl Foster
Betsy Thorn
BMRB International
Brian Francis
Cathy Humphreys
Cathy Pharoah
Charities Aid Foundation
Charles Jackson
Charlie Lloyd
Chris Brunsdon
Chris Hale
Christine Knott
Christine Mann
Christos Byron
Churches Commission for Racial Justice
Colin Aitken
Colin Roberts
Coretta Phillips
Coretta Phillips/Ben Bowling
Crime Concern
Daniel Gilling
David Berridge
David Brown
David Gee
Debra Salmon
Denis Allnutt
Derrick Armstrong
Dick Hobbs
Dougal Hutchison
Dr. Andrew Costello
Ed Mitchell
Eileen Goddard
Enterprise LSE Ltd
Eugene McLauglin
Galahad SMS Ltd.
Gene Feder
Gloria Laycock
Gordon Hay
Harry Daniels
Hartley McMaster
Hazel Kemshall
Hobbs & Hook Consulting
Howard Parker
Inst.of Education
Inst.of Psychiatry
Institute for Criminal Policy Research
Institute for Volunteering Research
James Brown
James Milner
James Mitchell
Jan Van Dijk
Janet Foster
Janet Stockdale (LSE)
Janet Walker
Jason Ditton
Jeffery Round
Jennifer Brown
Jessica Jacobson
Jim LeBeau
Jo Moran Ellis
John Spincer
John Tierney
John Witton
Jonathan Shepherd
Joseph P. Hornick
Joyce Green
Joyce Plotnikoff
Joyce Plotnikoff/Richard Woolfson
Judith Watson
Julie Vennard
K International
Katia Amore
Keith Soothill
Ken Pease
Kris Bush
Leslie J Moran
Leslie L Davidson
Lexicon Ltd.
Liz Kelly
Ludwig Kraus
M&A Research
Margaret Hauser
Marian Barnes
Martin Gill
Martin Hamblin GfK
Martin Innes
Martin Plant
Mary McMurran
Matrix Research and Consultancy
Matt Hopkins
Matthew Hickman
Michael Gossop
Michael Tuffrey
Michael Zander
Mike Hough
Mike Levi
Mike Locke
Mike Maguire
Mike Nash
Mike Shiner
Mike Sutton
Murray Rose
Nando Sigona
National Centre For Social Research
Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
NFO Social Research
Nick Tilley
North London Forensic Service
Office for Public Management
Opinion Leader Research
ORC International
Paul Catley
Paul Turnbull
Per-Olaf Wikstrom
Peter Clarke
Peter Kemp
Peter Lynn
Peter Reuter
Peter Wells/Lynne Dowson
Plusfour Market Research
Rebecca McKetin
Robert Adlam
Robert Langworthy
Robert Witt
Rodney Taylor
Roger Matthews
Roger Vickerman
Ronald Clarke
Sally Hillsman
Sally L Clarke
Shane Johnson
Sharon Lloyd
Simon Holdaway
Social Issues Research Centre
St. George’s Hospital Medical School
Stakeholder Research Associates Ltd. (Charles Jackson)
Stephen Machin
Stephen Pudney
Steven Furnell
Stuart Lister
Sue Bridge
Susan Edwards
Susan McVie
Suzie Scott
Sylvia Chennery
Terri Moffitt
Terry Honess
Tim John
Tim Millar
Tim Read
Tom Ellis
Trescom Research and Consultancy Ltd.
Trevor Jones
Urban Institute
Vaughn Robinson
Way With Words
Wesley Skogan
List C: Institutions supported by higher education funding councils 2004-05
KCSG — Keele University
Lancaster University
Northumbria University
Nottingham Trent University
Sheffield Hallam University
The University of Birmingham
University College London
University of Bath
University of Essex
University of Essex
University of Glamorgan
University of Glasgow
University of Lancaster
University of Manchester
University of Portsmouth
University of York
List D: Other organisations and bodies including named individuals 2004-05
A. Culyer
A. Worrall
Alan Clarke
Alan Dowie
Alan Williams
Alex Hirschfield
Alice Bloch
Alison Liebling
Andrew Costello
Andrew Sanders
Barbara Leonard
Ben Bowling
Betsy Stanko
BMRB International
Brian Francis
Bryan Collis
Bryan Gibson
C.Hoyle Oxford
Caroline Hudson
Cassin - Scott Associates Ltd
Charities Aid Foundation
Chris Brunsdon
Chris Hale
Christine Godfrey
Claire Corbett
Clive Hollin
Colin Drummond
Colin Roberts/Paul Dawson
Colin Webster
Coretta Phillips
Creative Research Limited
Crime Concern
David Best
David Carrington
David Farrington
David Mackay
David Pearce
David Williams
David Woodthorpe
Deloitte MCS Ltd
Derek Deadman
Dick Hobbs
Emma Wincup
Evidence Led Solutions
Fast Future
Fergal Davis
Fiona Poland
Future Creation
G. Stoker
Gary Craig/Marilyn Taylor
Geoff Berry Associates
Geoffrey Randall
George Mair
Gil Martin
Gloria Laycock
Goeff Berry Associates
Gordon Hay
Graham Davies
Graham Farrell
Hannah Siddiqui
Hartley McMaster
Hassan Isse
Helen Westcott
Henley Centre
Hobbs and Hook Consulting
Ian Plewis
Inst for Work& Health
Institute for Employment Studies
Jan Pickles
Jason Ditton
Jim Camp
Jo Dean
Joanna Taylor
John Eck
John Raine
Juanjo Medina
Judy Nixon
Julie Vennard
Katia Amore
Keith Soothill
Ken Pease
Khalid Koser
Laurence Alison
Leslie J Moran
Lexicon Ltd
Liz Kelly
Loraine Gelsthorpe
Louise Hobbs
Mandy Burton
Marianne Hester
Mark Kebbell
Mark Liddle
Martin Gill
Martin Innes
Mary McMurran
Matt Hickman
Matt Hopkins
Michael Tonry
Mike Clarke
Mike Hough
Mike Levi
Mike Locke
Mike Maguire
Mike Nash
Mike Sutton
Nat Inst of Econ & Social Res
National Centre for Social Research
Neil McKeganey
Nick Longford (SNTL)
NOP World
Norman Davidson
North London Forensic Service, Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust
Oakleigh Consulting Ltd
Opinion Leader Research
PA Consulting Group
Pat Mayhew
Paul McMullan
Pauline Lane
Pete Alcock
Peter C Smith
Peter Jordan
Peter Manning
Peter Marshall
Peter Raynor
Peter Wells
Plotnikoff and Woolfson
Prof David Pearce
Prof David Smith
Ray Bull
Richard Disney
Rick Brown
Robert Gilchrist
Robert Witt
Robin Marris
Robin Williams
Roger Tarling
Ron Clarke
Ros Burnett
Ross Coomber
Rowland Atkinson
Safe Neighbourhoods Unit
Sally L Clarke
Shirley Simpson
Simon Holdaway
Simon Merrington
Stakeholder Research Associates
Stavros Georgiou
Stephen Machin
Steve Collett
Steven Furnell
Stuart Lister
Survey and Statistical Computing
Susan McVie
T. Connell
Tessa Peasgood
Thangam Debbonaire
The Future Foundation
Tiggey May
Tim Newburn
Tony Culyer
Tzeggai Deres
UCL Consultants Ltd
Vaughan Robinson
Verity Gelsthorpe
Wesley Skogan
List E: Institutions supported by higher education funding councils 2005-06
Cambridge University Technical Services Ltd
South Bank University
University of Huddersfield
University of Wolverhampton
London Metropolitan University
University of Bristol
University of Leicester
York University/ Charities Aid Foundation
University College London
List F: Other organisations and bodies including named individuals 2005-06
Andrew Westlake
Anthony Culyer
Anthony Petrosino
Chris Hale
Christian Dustmann
Clive Smee
Cragg Ross Dawson
Dept of Health
Duncan Raistrick
Duncan Raistrick
Ethnos Research and Consultancy
Eurodata Computer Services
Filip Smit
G3 Ltd Statistical Training and Consultancy
Hobbs & Hook
ICM Research
Ipsos MORI
James Brown
Jennifer Hamley
Joanna Taylor
John Marsden
Ludwig Kraus
Lynda Joeman
Matrix Research and Consultancy
Michael Jones-Lee
Michael Waterson
Morgan Harris Burrows
Oakleigh Consulting
PA Consulting
Peter John
Peter Jordan Associates
Professor Chris Skinner
Professor Peter Lynn
Roger Vickerman
Roy Robertson
Sally L Clarke
Tim Weaver
Way With Words
List G: Institutions supported by higher education funding councils 2006-07
Bristol University
De Montfort University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Institute of Education, University of London
Northumbria University
Nottingham Trent University
Sheffield Hallam University
The Open University
The University of Manchester
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
University of London
University of Sheffield
University of York
List H: Other organisations and bodies including named individuals 2006-07
Alan Krupnick
Alex Hirschfield
Ann Netten
Ben Bowling
Bill Rhodes
BMRB Social Research
Carol Proper
Caroline Friendship
Cathy Pharoah
Charities Aid Foundation
Charlie Owen
Coretta Pillips
Creative Research
Daniel Nagin
Darrck Jolliffe
E.M.W. Maguire
Evidence Led Solutions
Geoff Berry Associates
Helen Powell
HVR Consulting
ICPR-Kings College London
John Roman
Julia Wickson
Kevin Marsh
Mark Cohen
Martin Hamblin gfk
Matrix Research and consultancy
Morgan Harris Burrows
National Centre for Social Research
Oxford Economic Forecasting
Peter Reuter
Prof. L Paoli
Professor Peter Lynn
Roger Bowles
Stephen Machin
Steve Aos
Steve Wilcox
UCL Consultants
Way with Words
List I: Institutions supported by higher education funding councils 2007-08
Keele University
Nottingham Trent University
The University of Manchester
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Cardiff
University of Kent
University of Oxford
University of York
List J: Other organisations and bodies including named individuals 2007-08
Dr F. MacDonald
Dr Ronald Clarke
Evidence Led Solutions
Garry Robbins
Geoff Berry Associates
HVR Consulting
ICPR, Kings College
Independent Social Research
Institute for Employment Studies
Ipsos MORI
Mark Underhill
Morgan Harris Burrows
MVA Consultancy
ORC International
Perpetuity Research & Consultancy
Professor Anthony Culyer
Professor C. Dustmann
Professor C. Godfrey
Professor C. Hale
Professor Clive Smee
Professor M. Waterson
Professor R. Vickerman
Professor S. Machin
Professor S. Pudney
RED Scientific
Risk Solutions
Robert Bramley
Transparency Research Ltd
York Consulting
List K: Institutions supported by higher education funding councils 2008-09
Aberystwyth University
LSE (Centre of Economic Performance)
Northumbria University
Nottingham Trent University
University of Huddersfield
University of Oxford
List L: Other organisations and bodies including named individuals 2008-09
Alex Hirschfield
Evidence Led Solutions
Geoff Berry
Ipsos MORI
Julia Wickson
Mike Maguire
Morgan Harris Burrows
ORC International
UCL Consultants