The information requested is as follows:
Energy Cost of the PCs Within BERR:
The PCs used in BERR for the last five years have had Blue Angel Certification for low energy consumption and comply with the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive. (Built using recycled plastic, reduced-lead circuit boards and the manuals are printed on paper that hasn't been bleached with chloride). We are unable to provide further information as this would incur disproportionate cost.
Energy Consumption of PCs and Printers within BERR: Carbon Footprint
The production of these costs entailed the use of a number of assumptions on usage and staff working practices. To provide more accurate data would require metering at the individual desk level which is not practical.
Electricity cost (£) Carbon footprint (metric tons) 2009 121,457 1353.3 2008 73,018 297.6 2007 72,928 319.1 2006 76,306 367.9 2005 66,500 427.9 1 Projected cost