Because the buildings that the Department shares with other Departments do not have sub-metering on individual floors, we do not have accurate measures of the Department's energy consumption.
There have been no energy estimates split down by the category of IT device or by divisions of the Department.
Since the publication of the Greening Government ICT Strategy, the Department has continued to follow an IT strategy of sharing as much of the IT infrastructure as possible with other Departments. ICT purchases have been for replacement items or items to extend the life of the current service.
The Department procures IT services from an IT supplier on a whole department basis. There is no subdivision of the servers or services between the various divisions of the Department. Servers are monitored for operational management purposes. Average server utilisation is not routinely recorded.
The Department procures IT products and services from a catalogue of standard items under an IT services contract that was set up in 2007, before the publication of the Quick Win standards. Since we have not changed our laptops, desktops, monitors, or printers since the start of the IT services contract, there has been no opportunity to use the Buy Sustainable-Quick Win standards.
Under the terms of the contract, the supplier will use all reasonable endeavours to improve the environmental impact of the services provided.