The likely effect of offshore wind farms on fish stocks and commercial fisheries is being considered at a strategic level as part of the Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The SEA Environmental Report published on 26 January 2009 for public consultation noted various potential effects on the marine environment including on fish stocks arising from reductions in fishing effort through the presence of wind turbines and other installations. These effects are similar to those found in marine protected areas and are an active area of research, which the Department is monitoring. The SEA consultation period closed on 22 April 2009 and the Government will publish their decision on the draft plan for up to 25 GW of new offshore wind, including any proposals for future research, later in the year. It should also be noted that site-specific studies of such impacts are currently a requirement of the FEPA licence awarded to developers for individual projects and will need to be included in any Environmental Impact Assessments for future wind farm projects.