The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) does not maintain central records of the energy consumed by; energy cost of; or carbon emissions from its IT devices therefore the information as requested is not available.
However, DCSF is currently developing a system for monitoring the power usage of its IT devices.
No records on average server capacity utilisation are held centrally within the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) therefore the information as requested is not available.
The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) does not maintain historic records of the number of printers and other devices with printing functionality in use throughout its estate and therefore the information is not accessible. However, to be helpful, the following information is available.
Records show that the number of devices in use throughout the DCSF estate on 5 March 2009 was:
Multi-function devices—165
Specialist printing devices including plotters—6
All of DCSF’s multi-function devices have double sided printing capability. It is not known how many of the printers and specialist printing devices were capable of double sided printing.
To reduce the use of power and consumables, it is currently planned that by the end of June 2009, DCSF will have replaced almost all of its individual printers, scanners, photocopiers and fax machines with multi-function devices on all of its sites, all of which will be capable of and defaulted to double sided printing. It is anticipated that a small number of individual printing devices will remain in use primarily for reasonable adjustments purposes.
The Department does not hold records for its Arms Length Bodies.