No Special Advisers or Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) officials accompanied my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary to the Cabinet meeting in Glasgow on 16 April 2009. FCO officials did accompany the Foreign Secretary to stakeholder engagement events before and after the Cabinet meeting. These events had been scheduled for an earlier date but were rearranged to coincide with the Cabinet meeting in order to reduce costs.
My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary attended a number of official engagements in Glasgow on 16 April 2009. He travelled by official car throughout the day, including to the Cabinet meeting.
A cost of £234.40 was incurred by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in respect of the Cabinet meeting in Glasgow on 16 April 2009.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) officials did not attend the Cabinet meeting in Glasgow on 16 April 2009. A total of £234.40 was spent on travel for my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary. No expenditure was incurred on accommodation or food. While in Glasgow, the Foreign Secretary attended a number of stakeholder engagement events at which he was accompanied by FCO officials. These events had been scheduled for an earlier date but were rearranged to coincide with the Cabinet meeting in order to reduce costs.