The short film "Our Interdependent World" is one of three films originally commissioned for and shown at the DFID conference, "Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future" on 9 and 10 March 2009. The cost of the three films was £38,545. These films are being shown at a series of 12 regional consultation events on DFID's forthcoming White Paper hosted by DFID Ministers, including the London event on 5 May. They are also being shown at other consultation events and meetings on the White Paper, and are available to view on DFID's website. So far, over 1,700 people have seen "Our Interdependent World".
The venue cost for the London consultation event was £4,350. Refreshments, including Fairtrade tea and coffee, amounted to £4,597.50. The total cost, including the above and also technical and production management, facilitation and delegate management amounted to £23,142 excluding VAT. The Central Office of Information events team researched over 30 central London venues which were potentially suitable, and the chosen venue was the cheapest available.
The estimated cost to the Department for International Development (DFID) of the public consultation process for the forthcoming White Paper on International Development is £331,463. This has covered: 12 UK regional consultation events hosted by Ministers; six regional consultations hosted by DFID offices in Kenya and Somalia, Jamaica, India, Southern Africa, China and Bangladesh; and over 50 other consultation meetings in the UK with specific groups of stakeholders. It also includes costs related to the online public consultation on the DFID website. The consultation has so far reached a wide range of individuals and organisations in the UK and around the world.