Figures for Reading, East constituency are not available. However, the tables show the number of mortgage and landlord possession orders made in Reading county court for each month from 1999.
These figures do not indicate how many homes have actually been repossessed. Repossessions can occur without a court order being made while not all court orders result in repossession.
The civil procedure rules state that all claims for the repossession of land must be commenced in the district in which the land is situated. However, geographical boundaries of county courts may not necessarily be consistent with other administrative or constituency boundaries. Repossession orders made at Reading county court may therefore relate to properties in other constituencies besides Reading, East constituency.
The Ministry of Justice has published a consultation note on proposed changes in the National Statistics on mortgage and landlord possession actions in the county courts of England and Wales. One of the proposed changes is to publish these statistics by local authority area, based on the physical locations of the properties which are the subject of the possession actions, as part of the regular statistical publication from 2009 quarter 2.
Further information can be found on the Ministry of Justice website at
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20094 January 48 6 31 18 23 3 41 85 56 46 41 February 28 32 7 22 12 66 19 43 32 56 530 March 32 16 27 17 27 38 58 51 42 55 530 April 20 25 20 37 8 25 37 46 39 63 — May 13 28 29 8 55 12 37 37 50 69 — June 25 38 21 20 25 24 46 26 41 50 — July 13 9 34 27 24 38 42 43 51 67 — August 10 16 34 9 2 38 79 56 42 64 — September 39 34 27 30 70 34 71 84 60 78 — October 0 42 0 24 29 16 39 40 44 67 — November 38 15 11 11 2 36 46 64 39 43 — December 29 20 13 14 59 49 19 53 28 42 — Total 295 281 254 237 336 379 534 628 524 700 41
1999 2000 2001 2002 20Q3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20094 January 51 77 71 74 46 58 70 79 76 77 67 February 61 54 44 37 41 50 47 66 67 70 80 March 55 71 66 56 57 64 82 53 68 55 96 April 52 77 45 53 68 51 61 49 38 97 — May 64 92 39 58 91 49 54 51 47 51 — June 66 86 33 40 35 51 28 37 67 62 — July 67 77 64 89 49 34 94 59 56 70 — August 52 69 32 54 65 71 44 70 63 35 — September 80 106 57 76 85 71 42 63 64 70 — October 26 95 47 57 40 39 56 58 66 77 — November 113 48 62 68 47 44 65 61 60 54 — December 53 42 31 49 53 74 59 45 57 75 — Total 740 894 591 711 677 656 702 691 729 793 243 1 Includes all types of mortgage lenders. 2 The court, following a judicial hearing, may grant an order for possession immediately. This entitles the claimant to apply for a warrant to have the defendant evicted. However, even where a warrant for possession is issued, the parties can still negotiate a compromise to prevent eviction. 3 Includes outright and suspended orders, the latter being where the court grants the claimant possession but suspends the operation of the order. Provided the defendant complies with the terms of suspension, which usually require the defendant to pay the current mortgage or rent instalments plus some of the accrued arrears, the possession order cannot be enforced. 4 Figures for the latest quarter (January-March 2009) are provisional. And figures for quarter 2 (April-June) are yet to be released by Ministry of Justice as National Statistics. 5 The Mortgage Pre Action Protocol for possession claims relating to mortgage or home purchase arrears was introduced on 19 November 2008. Its introduction has coincided with a substantial fall in the number of new mortgage possession claims in 2008 quarter 4 and subsequently In the number of mortgage possession orders in 2009 quarter 1. 6 The landlord data include all types of landlords whether social or private sector, and cover orders made using both the standard and accelerated possession procedures. The accelerated procedure is used by landlords in relation to shorthold tenancies, when the fixed period of tenancy has come to an end. It enables orders to be made by the court solely on the basis of written evidence and without calling the parties to hearings. Source: Ministry of Justice