We do not hold centrally the number of homes available for Open Market Homebuy in Welwyn Hatfield and Hertfordshire in each of the last 12 months. This scheme enables purchasers to buy any property on the open market with the help of an equity loan. Ownhome and My Choice Homebuy are subsets of Open Market Homebuy.
Again for Homebuy Direct we do not centrally collect the number of homes available to purchase at local authority level.
The number of completed homes each month for New Build Homebuy for Welwyn Hatfield and Hertfordshire has been provided in the following table. The total for Hertfordshire includes those homes completed within Welwyn Hatfield. In each month there are likely to be more homes available than just those newly completed, as some homes can take a few months to sell and others come back on the market as occupants change.
Welwyn Hatfield Hertfordshire total 2008 April 0 0 May 0 1 June 6 6 July 0 12 August 0 0 September 0 21 October 0 7 November 0 2 December 28 39 2009 January 0 0 February 0 9 March 5 31 Total 39 128 Source: Homes and Communities Agency.
For Rent to Homebuy the following table shows the number of completions in each month for Welwyn Hatfield and Hertfordshire. The total for Hertfordshire includes those homes completed within Welwyn Hatfield. In each month there are likely to be more homes available than just those newly completed, as some homes can take a short time to rent.
Welwyn Hatfield Hertfordshire total 2008 April 0 0 May 0 0 June 0 0 July 0 0 August 0 0 September 0 0 October 0 0 November 0 0 December 0 0 2009 January 0 0 February 0 0 March 0 28 Total 0 28 Source: Homes and Communities Agency.
We do not hold centrally data on the number of properties on which Social Homebuy is offered by landlords participating in the scheme.
Throughout this answer Hertfordshire has been interpreted as covering the following local authorities: Broxbourne, Dacorum, East Hertfordshire, Hertsmere, North Hertfordshire, St. Albans, Stevenage, Three Rivers, Watford and Welwyn Hatfield.
The following table shows the number of initial sales recorded through the New Build Homebuy scheme since 1997-98, the earliest date for which New Build Homebuy is separately identified.
New Build Homebuy initial sales 1997-98 4,020 1998-99 4,270 1999-2000 3,740 2000-01 3,190 2001-02 3,370 2002-03 3,780 2003-04 4,200 2004-05 5,820 2005-06 7,540 2006-07 10,340 2007-08 11,490 Source: Continuous Recording (CORE) returns to the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) from registered social landlords
It has been assumed that households responsible for initial sales of New Build Homebuy will take up residence.
The figures cover the number of initial sales recorded on CORE, which is assumed to be the same number as the number of households moving into dwellings.
CORE sales figures are only provided by RSLs with at least 250 units or bedspaces. RSLs with less units can complete the form, but it is not compulsory, so these figures may be under recording the number of New Build Homebuy sales.
The cost of services related to the design of the Homebuy brand logo in the last financial year was £21,090 excluding VAT. The Department incurred no such costs in the previous years requested.