The information requested is given in the tables.
These figures do not constitute part of National Statistics as they are based on internal management information. The information has not been quality assured under National Statistics protocols, should be treated as provisional and is subject to change.
Part I
Procedural errors of passports Investigated Disciplined1 Dismissed 2008-09 11 8 1 2007-08 4 5 1 2006-07 2 2 0 2005-06 1 1 1 2004-05 0 1 0 1 Indicates an action other than a dismissal.
IPS interprets 'procedural errors' as any situation where the designated policies and procedures involved in the issuing, examining, interviewing etc of passports are not followed, regardless of the intent, i.e. honest mistake (human error) or with a criminal intent.
Even if a an officer makes an honest mistake a sanction will be applied i.e. further training, work under supervision etc. Consistent thwarting of policies and procedures would involve dismissal as the ultimate sanction.
Part II
The following figures relate to investigations undertaken by the IPS Internal Investigations Team, into allegations or suspicions of fraud in the issuing of passports, in the last five financial years:
Investigated Disciplined Dismissed 2004-05 23 7 4 2005-06 17 6 4 2006-07 14 5 0 2007-08 14 3 1 2008-09 16 1 1 1 A further 12 investigations are ongoing.