The following table shows total intake and volumes of applications that were failed on nationality grounds and volumes that were withdrawn from the application process for other reasons.
Intake Failed Withdrawn Total June 2008 588,697 593 2,042 2,635 July 2008 544,341 494 1,964 2,458 August 2008 363,529 460 1,678 2,138 September 2008 337,024 502 1,934 2,436 October 2008 292,713 469 1,716 2,185 November 2008 249,265 400 1,550 1,950 December 2008 187,357 312 1,271 1,583 January 2009 426,357 361 1,421 1,782 February 2009 458,970 410 1,166 1,576 March 2009 579,526 526 1,288 1,814 April 2009 537,777 481 1,210 1,691 May 2009 537,753 444 1,219 1,663 Total 5,103,309 5,452 18,459 23,911