The available data are set out in the following table:
Grade2 Head count Annualised national pay amount (£)3 CIO Chief Immigration Officer 48 30,403 HM Inspector of Immigration 6 35,774 Immigration Officer 27 24,014 Average overall 87 28,620 1 Information is only available, at this level, on employees presently held on the central UK Border Agency computerised personnel system ADELPHI. 2 Other grades comprising less than five members of staff have been excluded. 3 National pay excluding allowances. Average annualised figure based on actual May 2009 pay.
Airport liaison officer is not a specific UK Border Agency grade but a function. 87 individuals are presently employed by the Risk and Liaison Overseas Network which is the unit responsible for this function, in the above grades.
Any other UK Border Agency employees still held on loan to Foreign and Commonwealth Office, or other FCO-managed staff who became part of UK Border Force in the machinery of Government changes cannot be differentiated by function except at disproportionate cost.