The information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
In the 28 districts where Flexible New Deal is due to start from October 2009, DWP has agreed contractual changes with New Deal providers, including those in private sector-led New Deal areas and Employment Zones, to ensure that customers who are referred after April 2009 will be able to complete their provision by the end of September 2009.
Where it has not been possible for a jobseeker to complete existing New Deal provision by September 2009, provided there is no break in their Jobseeker's Allowance claim, the customer will enter the supported job-search stage of the new Jobseekers Regime to receive additional support from Jobcentre Plus personal advisers. The supported job-search stage usually lasts for six months, although in this instance the time spent with an existing New Deal provider would be taken into account. Should the jobseeker remain unemployed after the supported job-search stage, they will be referred to the Flexible New Deal for up to 12 months of specialist, individually-tailored support.
(2) how many preferred bidders for Phase 1 Flexible New Deal contracts had been notified of the fact as at (a) 27 April, (b) 4 May, (c) 11 May and (d) 18 May 2009; and when she expects to notify the remaining preferred bidders.
[holding answer 1 June 2009]: Jobcentre Plus introduced the refreshed Jobseekers Regime and a range of additional support measures for jobseekers from 6 April 2009. The New Deal contracts take account of these changes, with referrals continuing until the end of June 2009, thereby enabling providers to support customers until the end of September, with the Flexible New Deal contracts due to start in October 2009.
Between July and September, any customer who has received jobseeker's allowance for six months will have access to additional support and enter the supported Job Search stage of the refreshed regime, with referral to the Flexible New Deal provider six months later if they remain in receipt of jobseeker's allowance.
Preferred bidders were notified of results of the Flexible New Deal competition on 29 May and we expect to award contracts in good time to begin delivery in October 2009.