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Vocational Training

Volume 494: debated on Monday 15 June 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what recent steps have been taken to assist young people in finding work; (268058)

(2) what recent steps have been taken to assist older people in finding work.

The Budget has made an additional £2.8 billion available to DWP, on top of the £1.3 billion announced in the pre-Budget report, which will ensure that over the next two years we can continue to expand our support to jobseekers through the economic downturn. Among other initiatives, this extra funding will enable us to guarantee a job or other meaningful activity to young people and certain disadvantaged groups from the 12-month point of their claim.

In addition, we are investing £0.5 billion over two years to support all jobseekers through an expanded range of work and training options to provide jobs through recruitment subsidies, support to start a business, work-related training and volunteering opportunities. This extra help was introduced on 6 April and is available to all those who have been out of work and claiming jobseeker's allowance for six months or more.

The introduction of the Flexible New Deal in phase one areas from October will establish a new, unified approach for longer-term jobseekers, whatever their age, skills or barriers to work. The Flexible New Deal will deliver work-focused support, tailored to each individual's needs and local labour market requirements.