Since 2005 the Department for International Development (DFID) has contributed approximately £150,000 in supporting the Government of Liberia in its efforts to establish the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and to develop and finalise its National Anti-Corruption Strategy. In 2008, DFID also paid off outstanding arrears owed by the Liberian General Auditing Commission (GAC), which amounted to a total of $43,145, allowing the Auditor General and his staff to attend specialised training courses to enable them to undertake more comprehensive and detailed audits of government finances.
The Government of Liberia is firmly committed to tackling corruption and prosecuting those involved. Though challenges still remain, significant progress has been made to improve financial checks and balances, to improve the capacity of the Liberian General Auditing Commission and in sending for prosecution any individuals (government or otherwise) accused of corruption.