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Defence: Procurement

Volume 494: debated on Monday 15 June 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many of the recommendations contained in the National Audit Office report on the Risk of Fraud in Defence Procurement, Session 1994-5, HC 258, have been (a) fully and (b) partially implemented. (278799)

The conclusions made by the National Audit Office Report on the Risk of Fraud in Defence Procurement reflect the progress made by the Ministry of Defence and have been implemented in full or in part.

The report concluded overall that the Department had made good progress in implementing actions on those areas of procurement most at risk and recognised that a plan was in place to strengthen existing measures and introduce new fraud deterrence and detection initiatives. In 1999, the Department created the Defence Fraud Analysis Unit (DFAU), and in 2006 established the Defence Irregularity Reporting Cell to act as the central point for the reporting of all suspicions of irregularity, including fraud, theft and corruption. Defence Equipment and Support, which was formed in 2007, has created a Defence Crime Forum to address the risk of fraud and corruption in the procurement environment.