Information for 2008-09 is currently being compiled and audited and will be published in the Ministry's 2008-09 resource accounts which are expected to be laid before Parliament in July 2009.
The Ministry of Justice and its agencies paid the following interest to suppliers under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 in the last three years for which published data are currently available:
Financial period £ 2007-08 The Ministry of Justice HQ 28,000 HM Prison Service 198,145 HM Courts Service 44,211 Tribunals Service 0 Office of the Public Guardian 0 2006-07 Department for Constitutional Affairs 29,030 HM Courts Service 43,376 Tribunals Service 2,278 Public Guardianship Office 0 2005-06 Department for Constitutional Affairs (including Tribunals) 16,773 HM Courts Service 24,683 Public Guardianship Office 0
The National Probation Service, which was part of the Ministry of Justice from 2007-08, is not included as information is held locally by 42 local probation boards or trusts and can be collated only at disproportionate cost.
The Ministry of Justice is fully committed to achieving compliance with the Prime Minister's target of paying suppliers within 10 days and is a signatory to the Prompt Payment Code. During May 2009, the Ministry of Justice and its agencies paid 92 per cent. of invoices received within the 10-day target. This level of performance should ensure that interest to suppliers under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 is greatly reduced for the current financial year.