My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary's most recent conversation with US Secretary of State Clinton took place on 3 June 2009 and they discussed Iran, as well as a range of other matters. The Foreign Secretary keeps in regular contact with counterparts from the rest of the E3+3, and the development of the Iranian nuclear programme remains an issue of serious and shared concern. Senior officials from the E3+3 last met on 8 April 2009 and also keep in regular contact.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General's Iran report of 19 February 2009 states that Iran had 5,537 centrifuges installed, of which almost 4,000 were enriching uranium hexafluoride (UF6). We anticipate that the Director General's next report, which will be discussed at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting on 15 June 2009, will show that Iran has continued to develop its enrichment programme, despite five UN Security Council Resolutions requiring it to stop.