[holding answer 12 May 2009]: From information held centrally, there are no staff employed in London on work contracted out by the Department earning less than £7.45 per hour.
The following table shows the figures requested for DEFRA and its Executive Agencies. Due to system changes, data prior to 2005-06 for Core DEFRA are available only at disproportionate cost. Data for non departmental public bodies are not held centrally and also can only be made available at disproportionate cost.
DEFRA VLA CEFAS RPA 2004-05 Total value (£) — 30,777 321,000 323,567 Number of bonuses — 133 490 525 2005-06 Total value (£) 3,361,065 35,034 482,000 249,025 Number of bonuses 4,368 148 479 541 2006-07 Total value (£) 3,171,792 39,120 566,766 243,072 Number of bonuses 2,569 162 543 480 2007-08 Total value (£) 3,235,664 45,327 610,125 425,417 Number of bonuses 2,100 180 567 812 2008-09 Total value (£) 3,036,270 47,409 773,747 542,289 Number of bonuses 2,014 195 410 1,125
For DEFRA, the data cover staff in the core Department and those Executive Agencies covered by DEFRA terms and conditions at that time, as well as staff who transferred to DECC on 3 October 2008.
Non-consolidated performance related variable pay is used to reward excellent performance during the year and is based on a judgment of how well an individual has performed relative to their peers. Performance related pay schemes encourage high attainment because bonuses have to be earned each year. They help drive high performance in Departments and agencies and support better public service delivery.
For the SCS:
Non-consolidated performance related variable pay rewards in-year performances in relation to agreed objectives, or short term personal contribution to wider organisational objectives. Such payments are paid in addition to base pay increases and do not count towards pension.
Performance related variable pay is allocated by Departments from a ‘pot’ expressed as a percentage of the SCS salary bill, which is agreed centrally each year following the Senior Salaries Review Body recommendations. The intention is that such payment decisions should be differentiated in order to recognise the most significant deliverers of in-year performance.
For staff at Grade 6 and below:
The performance related variable pay scheme introduced in April 2005 provides staff in DEFRA and those Agencies covered by the core- Department’s reward arrangements, with recognition and reward for delivery of an outstanding outcome or performance that significantly exceeds normal expectations. The process should provide staff at all grades with an opportunity to earn such an award, and ensure that achievements in operational, policy and corporate services areas are recognised as being of equal esteem. Such payments are paid in addition to base pay increases and do not count towards pension.
There are two types of award:
In-year payments, paid to individuals or teams in recognition of one-off achievements during the year; and
Annual payments that, in 2007 and 2008, were paid to the top 10 per cent. of performers for delivery of an outstanding outcome or performance sustained throughout the whole year.
The following table summarises the requested figures for DEFRA and its Executive agencies.
DEFRA RPA VLA CEFAS Amount spent on end-year non-consolidated performance payments (£) 2,433,775 475,721 84,069 773,747 Amount spent on non-consolidated performance payments for the SCS only (£) 1,300,592 34,371 36,660 32,500 Number of staff (grade 6 and below) who received an end-of-year non-consolidated performance payment 490 565 195 4 Number of SCS staff who received a non-consolidated performance payment 134 2 3 494
The data for DEFRA cover staff in the core Department and those organisations under DEFRA terms and conditions, including Animal Health, the Marine Fisheries Agency, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate and those staff who transferred to DECC on 3 October 2008.
The total pay bill for DEFRA was £194.147 million, of which 1.25 per cent. was used for end-on-year non-consolidated performance payments to staff (including the SCS). The median payments were £8,500 for SCS and £2,056 for non-SCS staff.
The total pay bill for the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) was £98.8 million, of which 0.48 per cent. was used for end-on-year non-consolidated performance payments to staff (including the SCS).
The total pay bill for the Veterinary Laboratories Agencies (VLA) was £40.363 million, of which 0.21 per cent. was used for end-on-year non-consolidated performance payments to staff (including the SCS). The median payments were £12,000 for SCS and £207.99 for non-SCS staff.
The total pay bill for the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) was £15.547 million, of which 4.8 per cent. was used for end-on-year non-consolidated performance payments to staff (including the SCS). The mean payments were £8,125 for SCS and £1,500 for non-SCS staff.
Non-consolidated performance related variable pay is used to reward excellent performance during the year and are based on a judgment of how well an individual has performed relative to their peers. Performance related pay schemes encourage high attainment because bonuses have to be earned each year. They help drive high performance in Departments and agencies and support better public service delivery.
For the SCS
Non-consolidated performance related variable pay rewards in-year performance in relation to agreed objectives, or short term personal contribution to wider organisational objectives. Such payments are paid in addition to base pay increases and do not count towards pension.
Performance related variable pay is allocated by Departments from a ‘pot' expressed as a percentage of the SCS salary bill, which is agreed centrally each year following the Senior Salaries Review Body recommendations. The intention is that such payment decisions should be differentiated in order to recognise the most significant deliverers of in-year performance.