[holding answer 24 March 2009]: Contractors cannot work on the scheme while bankrupt but one contractor has declared itself to be in voluntary liquidation. Heating Efficiency Systems Ltd. declared its voluntary liquidation status on 3 March 2009, and, as such is no longer registered on the Warm Front scheme.
[holding answer 24 March 2009]: I can confirm that between 1 June 2005 and 20 March 2009, Eaga's installers were given 29 per cent. of allocations under the scheme to date. A breakdown of the allocation to Eaga's in-house installers is provided in the following table. This breakdown is based on a restriction DECC has agreed with Eaga: that Eaga's in-house installers are restricted to carrying out no more than an allocated 30 per cent. of the work available under Warm Front during the lifetime of the scheme.
Percentage Iguana1 14.6 Eaga Home Services Ltd. 13.2 Eaga Scotland Ltd. 0.6 Eaga Social Housing 0.6 Total 29 1 Trading as Eagaheat since 2 March 2009.