Schools (Manchester)
I wish to submit a petition on behalf of PACE—Parents Against the Closure of Ewing school—which has been signed by some 10,576 people from south Manchester and from across the rest of Greater Manchester who are, like me, opposed to closure of Ewing school.
The petition states:
The Petition of persons concerned at Manchester City Council’s proposals to close Ewing School in Didsbury, Manchester.
Declares that Manchester City Council is currently considering proposals to close Ewing School in Didsbury, Manchester; notes that Ewing School is a specialist school that teaches children with speech, language and social communication disorders, from the ages of 5 to 16 years; further notes that Ewing’s pupils are among the 1 per cent. of children with more severe and complex speech, language and social communication needs; further notes that many of the pupils have specific problems with understanding and the use of the spoken word and have further difficulties with social interaction; recognises that Ewing School has a high teacher to pupil ratio, which enables the school to provide an intensive Teach and Learn environment.
Believes that Manchester City Council’s proposals to close Ewing School and relocate the pupils to mainstream schools are misguided; further notes that many of Ewing’s pupils have previously been excluded from mainstream schools; further believes that Ewing School offers a safe and secure learning environment that is more conducive to their pupils’ complex needs, which gives them the chance to achieve a high standard of education
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to do all in its power to persuade Manchester City Council to rethink its plans to close Ewing School and to permit the school to remain open and free from the threat of closure
And the Petitioners remain, etc.