Tables provided by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) have been placed in the Library. They set out the reporting rates for national health service organisations, based on patient safety incidents that occurred between April and September 2008 and were submitted to the Reporting and Learning System by the end of November 2008.
The response rate is calculated by taking the number of incidents, dividing by a denominator and multiplying by 100.
The NHS organisations are grouped into three clusters, each with their own specific denominator for ease of statistical comparison. The clusters are:
primary care with in-patient provision and mental health; and
primary care with no in-patient provision.
A summary of the denominators used for each cluster is set out as follows:
for acute NHS organisations it is the number of admissions in a six month period (April-September 2008);
for primary care organisations with inpatient provision and mental health organisations, it is the number of bed days in a six month period (April-September 2008); and
for primary care organisations with no inpatient provision, it is the population figure for the six month period (April-September 2008).
There is no suitable denominator for ambulance organisations and therefore no reporting rate is calculated. The NPSA are currently looking into ways to make comparisons across this cluster more meaningful.
The denominator data are drawn from the following sources:
Department of Health Hospital Episode Statistics database;
Welsh Assembly Government Statistical Directorate and; and
UK National Statistics.
Information on the number of nutrition-related adverse incidents that have been recorded by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) in each month since it was established in 2001 can be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
However the Agency's recent Quarterly Data Summary, published in May 2009, provides an overview of what has been learnt from an analysis of nutrition-related patient safety incidents reported as occurring during 2006 and 2007. A copy of the summary has been placed in the Library. The analysis was carried out by the King's College, London in collaboration with the NPSA.
A table, supplied by the National Patient Safety Agency, which sets out the number of incidents that occurred in each organisation between April and September 2008 and which were submitted to the Reporting and Learning System by the end of November 2008 has been placed in the Library.