The South Central franchise specification required the operator to set targets based on National Passenger Survey results for trains, stations and customer service, split by groups of services—South London, Sussex and Coast and Gatwick Express. If these targets are not achieved the bidder is required to spend up to £0.5 million per annum to implement a plan to rectify any deficiencies.
The franchising process does not allow for the identification of individual sources of investment. Instead, it provides an overall price to Government of the package that is proposed by the bidder (either subsidy or in the case of South Central a £534 million premium). It is thus not possible to identify the individual investment costs being borne by the South Central operator or the Government.
The Department for Transport is not funding the staffing of new gating systems on an individual basis. These plans form part of an overall franchise bid and it is not possible to disaggregate staffing costs to this level.
Transport for London will be contributing around £4 million to the franchise.