[holding answer 18 June 2009]: The following tables outline (a) unique visitors and (b) page views (page impressions for the Jobcentre Plus website) in line with Cabinet Office guidance, for each of the websites maintained by the Department for Work and Pensions as per the answer of 9 February 2009. We cannot produce all the statistics as DWP does not hold some of the figures and due to some technical difficulties we were unable to collect all the figures for each month.
2008 Site April May June July August September October November December DWP 620,492 637,574 760,610 742,472 658,287 748,565 813,280 818,521 645,387 JCP 6,091,767 5,671,110 6,463,155 7,037,643 6,297,163 8,821,813 8,595,983 6,656,645 5,430,710 CSA 93,381 91,371 98,856 100,352 96,790 107,056 109,204 106,554 83,589 AP 15,105 19,863 23,872 16,594 11,405 12,258 8,472 7,929 6,092 ESF 6,590 10,136 11,115 9,453 8,165 9,250 9,674 12,227 8,704 ICE 1,505 1,496 2,026 1,775 1,831 1,550 1,642 1,499 1,265 IIAC 1,631 1,495 1,550 1,506 1,264 1,402 1,404 1,262 1,034 SSCA 1,135 1,510 1,594 1,037 976 979 1,047 1,875 1,044 ODI 6,459 8,126 7,799 9,351 7,031 1— 1— 8,754 9,524 DG-D 1,434,791 1,164,606 1,243,904 315,295 292,014 330,801 350,623 1— 1— DG-C 89,435 76,258 85,006 85,762 79,562 90,908 95,233 91,746 69,544 DG 50+ 162,296 117,783 127,308 132,785 134,161 154,189 155,105 158,924 119,692 TPS 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— 304,843 307,620 359,208 244,997 Total 8,524,587 7,801,328 8,826,795 8,454,025 7,588,649 10,583,614 10,449,287 8,225,144 6,621,582
Site January February March DWP 1,112,470 932,498 1,008,693 JCP 10,071,434 8,247,216 1— CSA 132,020 109,267 1— AP 8,414 8,592 1— ESF 10,645 10,145 1— ICE 1,783 1,625 1— IIAC 1,395 1,384 1— SSCA 1,328 1,141 1— ODI 10,450 1— 1— DG-D 1— 384,892 1— DG-C 129,362 110,703 1— DG 50+ 256,358 204,867 227,434 TPS 412,872 337,812 487,977 Total 12,148,531 10,350,142 1,724,104
2008 Site April May June July August September October November December DWP 4,890,895 4,632,534 5,467,135 5,481,316 4,823,111 5,255,207 5,840,085 5,675,631 4,578,694 JCP 279,358,470 250,206,608 290,661,873 302,481,658 271,781,484 308,875,532 302,104,417 266,874,017 179,521,943 CSA 693,879 623,741 710,818 703,331 669,090 753,074 770,977 721,481 550,725 AP 64,450 77,281 85,586 67,995 49,610 47,653 35,517 33,739 28,350 ESF 35,240 58,541 63,781 48,604 51,520 57,699 54,395 62,070 44,399 ICE 24,112 24,328 24,046 25,047 26,334 20,945 20,229 23,312 29,862 IIAC 18,911 19,293 18,202 18,395 18,488 16,534 16,764 18,587 17,903 SSCA 18,403 20,187 18,561 18,166 18,631 17,356 17,036 45,590 18,453 ODI 52,021 57,474 53,154 58,098 48,873 1— 1— 49,760 57,367 DG-D 1— 1— 1— 1,291,101 1,206,271 1,321,886 1,390,235 1— 1— DG-C 327,393 279,429 315,728 321,083 298,200 331,579 357,209 357,971 265,159 DG 50+ 434,884 294,965 321,516 336,221 349,620 389,937 400,452 416,613 304,269 TPS 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— 2,815,695 2,954,131 3,155,462 2,159,900 Total 285,918,658 256,294,381 297,740,400 310,851,015 279,341,232 319,903,097 313,961,447 277,434,233 187,577,024
Site January February March DWP 7,693,486 6,311,548 7,648,495 JCP 350,647,463 298,532,534 324,713,314 CSA 901,912 741,673 1— AP 35,569 35,529 1— ESF 53,056 50,377 1— ICE 25,457 23,345 1— IIAC 19,055 17,811 1— SSCA 19,755 17,807 1— ODI 57,772 1— 1— DG-D 1— 1,566,846 1— DG-C 472,298 406,136 1— DG 50+ 678,359 565,034 626,209 TPS 3,820,139 3,137,296 4,724,905 Total 364,424,321 311,405,936 337,712,923 1 Not collected. KEY: DWP Department for Work and Pensions: www.dwp.gov.uk JCP Jobcentre Plus: www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk CSA Child Support Agency: www.csa.gov.uk AP Age Positive: www.agepositive.gov.uk this site closed in February 2009 ESF European Social Fund: www.esf.gov.uk ICE Independent Case Examiner: www.ind-case-exam.org.uk (DWP hosts the website but is not responsible for the content) IIAC Industrial Injuries Advisory Council: www.iiac.org.uk (DWP hosts the website but is not responsible for the content) SSAC Social Security Advisory Committee: www.ssac.org.uk (DWP hosts the website but is not responsible for the content) ODI Office for Disability Issues: www.officefordisability.gov.uk DG-D Directgov Disabled People and Carers Sections: www.direct.gov.uk/disability (Directgov operate the website but DWP is responsible for the content) DG-C Directgov Disabled People and Carers Sections: www.direct.gov.uk/carers (Directgov operate the website but DWP is responsible for the content) DG 50+ Directgov Over 50s Section (now re-titled Pensions and Retirement Planning): www.direct.gov.uk/over50s (Directgov operate the website but DWP is responsible for the content) TPS The Pension Service: www.thepensionservice.gov.uk Notes: 1. Data are not held for the Health and Safety Executive website: www.hse.gov.uk 2. Data are not collected for Now Lets Talk Money website: www.nowletstalkmoney.com or Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force website: www.emetaskforce.gov.uk