The number of persons proceeded against at magistrates courts and found guilty at all courts for sexual offences against children, 1997 to 2007 is shown in tables 1 and 2.
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 significantly modernised and strengthened the laws on sexual offences in England and Wales to provide extra protection to children .from sexual exploitation. This makes direct comparisons with previous legislation very difficult. Many new offences created by the Act will not have a direct equivalent under the old legislation. Table 1 covers offences under the Sexual Offences Act 1956, with table 2 covering offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
These data are on the principal offence basis. The figures given in the table on court proceedings relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offence for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences, the offence selected is the one for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe.
Court proceedings data for 2008 will be available in the autumn of 2009.
1997 1998 1999 2000 Offence class Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Buggery with a person aged under 16 142 91 143 80 163 70 133 64 Indecent assault on a male person under 16 373 363 460 342 432 337 351 299 Gross indecency by a male with a male aged under 18 33 19 23 18 19 10 11 11 Rape, attempted rape of a male or female aged under 16 716 279 810 291 846 335 788 264 Indecent assault on a female under 16 1,639 1,627 1,805 1,505 1,818 1,491 1,555 1,317 Unlawful sexual intercourse with girl under 13 40 44 40 55 32 52 40 53 Unlawful sexual intercourse with girl under 16 153 199 171 225 169 189 167 214 Incest offences with persons under 16 19 23 15 29 17 23 16 28 Procuration of persons aged under 18 9 8 6 9 2 4 — 4 Gross indecency with children aged under 14 172 167 325 214 330 217 283 193 Total 3,296 2,820 3,798 2,768 3,828 2,728 3,344 2,447
Offence class Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Buggery with a person aged under 16 120 74 80 60 59 47 Indecent assault on a male person under 16 391 271 384 293 419 264 Gross indecency by a male with a male aged under 18 7 0 3 5 1 0 Rape, attempted rape of a male or female aged under 16 1,112 241 1,288 292 1,265 326 Indecent assault on a female under 16 1,792 1,292 1,952 1,332 1,956 1,206 Unlawful sexual intercourse with girl under 13 53 54 43 47 71 49 Unlawful sexual intercourse with girl under 16 178 214 192 228 185 248 Incest offences with persons under 16 20 34 17 39 8 29 Procuration of persons aged under 18 2 4 3 5 0 0 Gross indecency with children aged under 14 410 249 456 261 429 281 Total 4,085 2,433 4,418 2,562 4,393 2,450 1 The statistics relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offences for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences the principal offence is the offence for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe. 2 Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by the courts and police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. 3 The numbers found guilty may exceed those proceeded against in table 1, as it may be the case that the proceedings in the magistrates court took place in the preceding year to the defendant being found guilty at the Crown court in the following year, or the defendant was found guilty for a different offence to the original offence proceeded against. 4 Covers offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 which identify the victim as a minor at the time the offences was committed. Source: Office for Criminal Justice Reform—Evidence and Analysis Unit, Ministry of Justice
20045 2005 2006 2007 Offence class Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Sexual assault of a male child aged under 13 27 9 119 65 118 63 130 77 Rape, attempted rape of a male or female aged under 13 or under 16 1,208 358 1,200 394 1,100 416 1,020 434 Sexual assault of a female child aged under 13 162 41 495 212 531 315 582 342 Sexual activity with a male or female child aged under 13 97 30 304 123 293 181 337 206 Sexual activity with a male or female aged under 16 182 74 676 456 697 644 692 620 Familial sexual offences of a male or female child aged under 13 31 10 99 54 108 74 128 91 Abuse of children aged under 18 through prostitution and pornography 18 2 35 8 29 17 43 27 Abuse of trust sexual offences against a child aged under 18 5 3 12 14 20 18 17 18 Meeting a male or female aged under 16 following sexual grooming 9 3 28 25 43 36 41 51 Total 1,739 530 2,968 1,351 2,939 1,764 2,990 1,866 1 The statistics relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offences for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences the principal offence is the offence for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe. 2 Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by the courts and police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. 3 The numbers found guilty may exceed those proceeded against in table 1, as it may be the case that the proceedings in the magistrates court took place in the preceding year to the defendant being found guilty at the Crown court in the following year, or the defendant was found guilty for a different offence to the original offence proceeded against. 4 Covers offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 which identify the victim as a minor at the time the offences was committed. 5 Sexual Offences Act 2003 came into force on 1 May 2004. Source: Office for Criminal Justice Reform—Evidence and Analysis Unit, Ministry of Justice
The number of persons proceeded against at magistrates courts and found guilty at all courts for offences relating to having sexual intercourse with an underage person, by region, 1997 to 2007 is shown in tables 1 and 2.
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 significantly modernised and strengthened the laws on sexual offences in England and Wales to provide extra protection to children from sexual exploitation. This makes direct comparisons with previous legislation very difficult. Many new offences created by the Act will not have a direct equivalent under the old legislation. Table 1 covers offences under the Sexual Offences Act 1956, with table 2 covering offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
These data are on the principal offence basis. The figures given in the table on court proceedings relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offence for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences, the offence selected is the one for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe.
Court proceedings data for 2008 will be available in the autumn of 2009.
1997 1998 1999 2000 Region Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty North East 62 41 88 50 88 43 84 30 North West 132 85 149 82 136 98 135 82 Yorkshire and the Humber 134 50 143 74 168 72 149 80 East Midlands 100 58 103 51 113 61 105 43 West Midlands 92 72 103 65 94 55 96 53 East of England 83 43 97 51 123 54 88 43 London 68 43 105 57 96 46 136 45 South East 108 70 123 84 119 72 117 79 South West 109 48 97 47 98 44 89 57 Wales 84 46 93 35 106 50 80 49 England and Wales 972 556 1,101 596 1,141 595 1,079 561
Region Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty North East 80 46 78 42 81 48 North West 205 85 217 91 206 88 Yorkshire and the Humber 172 58 164 68 150 63 East Midlands 113 55 106 39 108 51 West Midlands 154 60 184 64 166 79 East of England 100 47 101 48 95 49 London 172 47 235 56 285 73 South East 154 64 189 87 172 74 South West 115 39 109 40 104 62 Wales 112 45 127 48 99 40 England and Wales 1,377 546 1,510 583 1,466 627 1 The figures given in the table on court proceedings relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offences for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences it is the offence for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe. 2 Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. 3 1997 to 2003 figures include the following offences under the Sexual Offences Act 1956: —Rape of a person under 16 —Unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 13 —Unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 —Buggery with a person under 16 Source: Evidence and Analysis Unit—Office for Criminal Justice Reform, Ministry of Justice
20044 2005 2006 2007 Region Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty North East 50 20 79 28 79 46 71 49 North West 176 49 199 110 199 93 204 114 Yorkshire and the Humber 123 56 155 86 130 90 121 95 East Midlands 109 31 147 61 118 65 118 77 West Midlands 137 33 158 76 158 105 148 90 East of England 80 21 122 55 97 79 80 59 London 193 38 207 36 197 55 164 58 South East 115 40 162 81 138 97 150 102 South West 75 30 106 50 98 81 98 69 Wales 112 34 84 37 80 49 88 34 England and Wales 1,170 352 1,419 620 1,294 760 1,242 747 1 The figures given in the table on court proceedings relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offences for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences it is the offence for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe. 2 Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. 3 2004 to 2007 figures include the following offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003: —Rape of a child under 13 —Rape of a person under 16 —Sexual Activity with a child (where penetration is involved) 4 Act came into force on 1 May 2004. Source: Evidence and Analysis Unit—Office for Criminal Justice Reform, Ministry of Justice
The number of persons proceeded against at magistrates courts and found guilty at all courts for sexual offences against children, 2006 and 2007 can be viewed in table.
Data provided are for those statutes where the age of the victim is specified. These data are on the principal offence basis. The figures given in the table on court proceedings relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offence for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences, the offence selected is the one for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe.
Court proceedings data for 2008 will be available in the autumn of 2009.
2006 2007 Offence class Proceeded against Found guilty Proceeded against Found guilty Sexual assault of a male child aged under 13 118 63 130 77 Rape, attempted rape of a male or female aged under 13 or under 16 1,100 416 1,020 434 Sexual assault of a female child aged under 13 531 315 582 342 Sexual activity with a male or female child aged under 13 293 181 337 206 Sexual activity with a male or female aged under 16 697 644 692 620 Familial sexual offences of a male or female child aged under 13 108 74 128 91 Abuse of children aged under 18 through prostitution and pornography 29 17 43 27 Abuse of trust sexual offences against a child aged under 18 20 18 17 18 Meeting a male or female aged under 16 following sexual grooming 43 36 41 51 Total 2,939 1,764 2,990 1,866 1 The statistics relate to persons for whom these offences were the principal offences for which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty of two or more offences the principal offence is the offence for which the heaviest penalty is imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the statutory maximum penalty is the most severe. 2 Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by the courts and police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. 3 The numbers found guilty may exceed those proceeded against in table 1, as it may be the case that the proceedings in the magistrates court took place in the preceding year to the defendant being found guilty at the Crown court in the following year, or the defendant was found guilty for a different offence to the original offence proceeded against. 4 Covers offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 which identify the victim as a minor at the time the offences was committed. Source: Office for Criminal Justice Reform—Evidence and Analysis Unit, Ministry of Justice