The following table shows the number of vacant Probation Officer positions in each of the regions:
Vacant probation officer positions1,2,3,4 North East 3.0 North West 11.0 Yorkshire and Humberside 11.0 East Midlands 14.20 West Midlands 10.80 East of England 6.40 London 2.0 South East 15.81 South West 24.43 Wales 13.60 1 Figures shown as FTE as at 30 June 2007 and can be found in Issue 13 of the Workforce Information Report. 2 Includes: Senior Probation Officers, Probation Officers, Practice Development Assessors and Senior Practitioners. 3 Vacancies are defined as “active vacancies”, which includes any post that is being actively recruited into. 4 Due to the HR System in use, Hampshire Probation Area (South East Region), Greater Manchester Probation Area (North West Region) and West Midlands Probation Area (West Midlands Region) have been unable to provide any vacancy figures and are excluded from this return.
The following table shows the number of probation officers and probation service officers in post in each quarter since the start of 2003.
Probation officers1 Probation service officers2 2003-04 Q1 5831.10 4752.40 Q2 5937.80 5204.30 Q3 6271.50 5386.86 Q4 6285.4 5416.80 2004-05 Q1 6257.32 5467.77 Q2 6376.48 5511.66 Q3 6584.94 5623.86 Q4 6566.63 5849.99 2005-06 Q1 6468.44 5968.35 Q2 6529.41 6089.00 Q3 6894.36 6235.17 Q4 6515.35 6337.64 2006-07 Q1 6855.26 6645.30 Q2 6878.67 6552.00 Q3 7209.55 6502.71 Q4 7149.26 6506.78 2007-08 Q1 7007.75 6430.58 Q23 6976.30 6304.56 Q33 7119.54 6221.76 1 Includes: senior probation officers, senior practitioners, probation officers and practice development assessors. 2 Includes: probation services officers and treatment managers. 3 The information provided has yet to be published and may therefore be subject to minor amendment upon publication. Note: Figures are shown as full-time equivalents.
Figures for Q4 2007-08 and 2008-09 are currently unavailable.