The following table sets out the number of male and female offenders assessed by the Hampshire probation area as presenting a high or very high risk of serious harm. The assessment of risk of serious harm is made through the Offender Assessment System (OASys). Figures are presented for the past four years (2005-2008) as the electronic OASys system was still being implemented in 2004. The number of Hampshire assessments used to produce the figures increased from 4,822 in 2005 to 8,189 in 2008, reflecting an increase in the proportion of offenders entered onto the system as new cases join existing cases. The data are drawn from administrative IT systems and are subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large-scale assessment and recording system.
Age Gender 2005 2006 2007 2008 18-20 Male 46 42 62 68 Female 5 3 1 1 21-24 Male 40 62 79 112 Female 6 3 8 6 25-40 Male 125 128 205 321 Female 5 7 9 11 41+ Male 65 94 150 233 Female 3 2 6 8