The average settlement for Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) by the 10 claimants’ representatives who have submitted the greatest number of claims is shown in the following tables as at 21 June 2009.
Solicitor Total claims Total claims settled by payment Average damages paid on claims settled by payment (£) Beresfords Solicitors 80,817 62,425 2,559 Thompsons Solicitors 58,133 45,600 9,202 Hugh James 56,811 42,214 7,261 Raleys Solicitors 48,914 35,591 5,990 Browell Smith and Co 32,998 24,962 6,538 Avalon Solicitors 32,413 19,354 2,375 Mark Gilbert Morse 25,721 20,641 7,535 Union of Democratic Mineworkers 16,586 13,794 3,097 Barber and Co 14,090 11,494 2,832 Watson Burton LLP 14,072 12,482 4,346
Solicitor Total claims Total claims settled by payment Average damages paid on claims settled by payment (£) Thompsons Solicitors 21,231 16,997 16,379 Browell Smith and Co 16,462 11,957 10,854 Beresfords Solicitors 11,619 7,251 10,399 Union of Democratic Mineworkers 11,520 9,946 10,607 Raleys Solicitors 11,279 9,968 12,405 Hugh James 10,637 8,552 11,319 Graysons Solicitors 8,700 7,201 15,537 Moss Solicitors 7,398 5,031 10,514 Watson Burton LLP 5,935 5,066 17,106 Towells Solicitors 5,368 4,219 12,468