Fuel costs, broken down by type and operational theatre from 2006-07 onwards are provided in the following table:
Fuels (non utilities) Aviation fuel 2006-07 2007-08 2008-091 2006-07 2007-08 2008-091 Operation Oculus (Balkans) 3 1 2 1 1 1 Operation Telic (Iraq) 48 38 38 16 28 32 Operation Herrick (Afghanistan) 6 25 41 10 45 109 1 Figures for the financial year 2008-09 are provisional, pending final outturn which will be reflected in the Departmental report and accounts due for publication in July.
The figures in the table comprise petroleum-based liquid fuels meeting internationally recognised specifications that are used to power ships and vehicles, plus aviation fuels only. These figures can only be viewed as approximate since other fuels (such as natural gas and heating oil) are accounted for within a broader stock category, and some small local purchases may not be captured within these amounts. Costs relating to overall fuel price variance are recorded separately in terms of total departmental expenditure.