Since 2005, the Department for International Development (DFID) has provided direct support to one programme in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)—the FATA Secretariat Capacity Building Programme. Our funding allocation totals £1 million, and delivery is being implemented by the FATA Secretariat over the period 2008-10.
DFID has provided £22 million of humanitarian support since September 2008 to help those displaced by conflict in both the FATA and the North West Frontier Province, which has been channelled through the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and non-governmental organisations.
In addition, since 2005 DFID has supported the following nationwide programmes, which have helped provide services in the FATA as well as other parts of Pakistan:
Programme Implementing agency Commitment (£ million) National Health and Population Facility Ministry of Health 100 Polio Eradication Initiative WHO/UNICEF 31 Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative Ministry of Health 91 Achieving Universal Access to Control HIV/AIDS Ministry of Health (World Bank Trust Fund) 5.9 Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) RSPN 11 Financial Inclusion Programme State Bank of Pakistan 50 Voluntary Repatriation of Afghan Refugees UNHCR 1
The Department for International Development (DFID) provided the following bilateral aid to Pakistan over the last five years.
Pakistan Commitment (£ million) 2004-05 31.3 2005-06 97.4 2006-07 101.1 2007-08 86.9 2008-09 1120.8 1 Estimate
A table showing the main aid projects supported by DFID in this period will be placed in the Library of the House.