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Green Belt: Hemel Hempstead

Volume 495: debated on Monday 6 July 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what steps his Department is taking to protect (a) the green belt and (b) open green spaces in Hemel Hempstead. (283680)

National and regional planning policy (Planning Policy Guidance Note 2 and the East of England Plan) both contain policy to protect green belt land and there remains a strong presumption against development.

The East of England Plan, published in May 2008 required a possible strategic review of green belt land around Hemel Hempstead to meet regional development needs. A recent successful judicial review of this policy and its associated housing figures now require the Secretary of State to reconsider options for growth around Hemel Hempstead.

Government planning policy (Policy Guidance Note 17) sets out the Government's approach to the provision of open space. The East of England Plan (Policy ENV1) also includes policy on creation and maintenance and creation of networks of green infrastructure. Dacorum borough council's local development plans will then make provision for open green space, including the setting of open space standards.