The requested information is shown in the table.
Number of pupils who walk to school Percentage of pupils who walk to school Number of pupils who cycle to school Percentage of pupils who cycle to school Number of pupils for whom travel data were not supplied Percentage of pupils for whom travel data were not supplied Primary 2,262,990 55.5 39,520 1.0 150,100 3.7 Secondary 1,296,930 39.7 94,890 2.9 219,640 6.7 Special 2,610 3.0 230 0.3 3,970 4.5 1 Includes middle schools as deemed. 2 Includes CTCs and academies. 3 Includes maintained and non-maintained special schools. Excludes general hospital schools. 4 The collection of mode of travel to school data are only mandatory at pupil level for schools with an approved school travel plan. Data were received for 7,057,190 of the total number of 7,430,910 solely registered pupils (excludes boarders). Source: School Census.