24 miles of new two track high speed railway were built by London and Continental Railways for section 2 of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link completed in 2007. The Channel Tunnel Rail Link was constructed as a public private partnership project with a 90-year concession and is not the direct responsibility of Network Rail.
Otherwise, the amount of railway built each year is an operational matter for Network Rail, as the owner and operator of the national rail network. My hon. Friend should contact Network Rail's chief executive at the following address for a response to his question.
Iain Coucher
Chief Executive
Network Rail
Kings Place
90 York Way
London N1 9AG
Spending on rail infrastructure is primarily the responsibility of Network Rail. Historical spending by the company is contained in the company's annual reports and accounts, which can be found on the Network Rail website at
Government spending on the railway in the past five years is set out in National Rail Trends which is published by the Office of Rail Regulation at
A copy is available in the Library of the House.