DEFRA became responsible for implementing energy efficiency measures throughout the DEFRA in 2006. Since that date expenditure on energy efficiency measures is as shown in the table (DEFRA Estates does not hold information for the period 2004-06).
£ 2006-07 244,272 2007-08 1,187,697 2008-09 2,369,134
These data do not include expenditure on energy efficiency measures in new builds and refurbishments as sustainable technologies and energy efficiency measures are inherent in the overall programme and costs.
The measures implemented by DEFRA Estates resulted in achievement of the Energy Efficiency Accreditation Scheme (EEAS) in 2007 and the Carbon Trust Standard in 2008, both of which are independently assessed and confirm increased energy efficiency and a reduction in carbon emissions.
DEFRA has already met the Sustainable Operations on the Government Estate (SOGE) Target for reducing carbon emissions from offices and the continued programme of spend on efficiency measures will ensure that the Department is in the best possible position when Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) begins in 2012. In addition, a Sustainable Built Environment Workplace Support (SBEWS) delivery partnership with Interserve plc which spans a 15-year period will deliver significant efficiencies, not just in energy but across the entire range of SOGE targets.