There are a wide range of diseases and health problems associated with both short-term and long-term excessive consumption of alcohol, which can range from injuries sustained from accidents while under the influence of alcohol, which may be treated by accident and emergency departments, through to alcohol-related liver failure and diseases such as hypertension and certain types of cancer, for which alcohol consumption may be a cause.
It is, therefore, not possible to provide an exhaustive list of the treatments that national health service hospitals provide for patients with diseases caused by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol.
In relation to treatments for alcohol dependence:
in 2006, the Department commissioned the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse to review the published international research literature on alcohol interventions and treatment. The “Review of the effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems”, was published in November 2006 and describes a wide range of treatments and interventions.
the Department and the National treatment Agency for Substance Misuse jointly published, in June 2006, best practice guidance to aid commissioners and providers in delivering effective interventions and treatment, “Models of care for alcohol misusers (MoCAM)”.
A copy of both documents has been placed in the Library and are also available on the National Treatment Agency website