The number of appeals against the refusal of applications for family visit visas at visa-issuing posts in India, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Pakistan that were (a) received and (b) dismissed in each of the last five calendar years is shown in the following tables. Reliable data is not held for years prior to 2004.
Appeal decisions Dismissed Dismissed (%) Appeal decisions Dismissed Dismissed (%) Appeal decisions Dismissed Dismissed (%) Bangladesh 350 119 34 719 275 38 2,027 956 47 India 3,690 1,380 37 3,321 986 30 8,153 2,956 36 Nigeria 1,506 563 37 3,101 1,442 47 4,147 1,846 45 Pakistan 430 90 21 2,832 678 24 11,889 5,473 46
Appeal decisions Dismissed Dismissed (%) Appeal decisions Dismissed Dismissed (%) Bangladesh 3,146 1,557 49 4,450 2,128 48 India 9,427 4,657 49 8,841 4,198 47 Nigeria 8,703 6,090 70 8,740 7,149 82 Pakistan 14,646 7,994 55 17,230 8,783 51
Information is unpublished and treated as provisional.
Information relating to the number of applications for residence permits from the spouses and partners of EU nationals are in the same category as other family members and is not recorded separately and therefore is not readily available.