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New Deal Schemes

Volume 496: debated on Wednesday 15 July 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people completed a new deal programme in each of the last three years; and what the cost of new deal programmes was in each of those years. (280241)

The following table gives the available data on the number of people who left the New Deal programmes in the last three years. The figures cover only New Deal for Young People, New Deal 25-Plus and New Deal for Partners. They include people leaving from the Jobcentre Plus and the provider-delivered elements of the programme.

Total leavers from the above stated programmes








Time Series—year of leaving. The calendar year of leaving New Deal. Latest data are to November 2008.

1. The totals for each year exclude those customers on New Deal for Lone Parents, Disabled People and New Deal 50 Plus due to the unavailability of the data.

2. The measure used for New Deal for Partners is Leavers (individuals) as spells are not available for this New Deal. They may or may not have completed. For all other programmes the figures shown are for those who have completed.

3. Since June 2008, New Deal for Disabled People has ceased to operate as a national programme.


Department for Work and Pensions, Information Directorate. Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.

The following table shows the costs of the contracted out element only for the three years 200-07 to 2008-09. It is not possible to split out the costs for the Jobcentre Plus element from normal Jobcentre Plus running costs.

£ millionProgramme2006-072007-082008-09New Deals for Young People and 25 Plus306.5398.3424.8New Deal for Lone Parents41.560.429.5New Deal 50 Plus0.20.20.2New Deal for Disabled People7378.434.1New Deal for Partners0.60.40.3Notes:1. New Deal for Disabled People reductions in 2008-09 are due to the introduction of provider-led pathways in 60 per cent. of the country.2. New Deal for Lone Parents reduction in 2008-09 are due to costs for In Work Credit being transferred from the DEL (Programme) account to Annually Managed Expenditure (AME).3. Expenditure figures exclude administration costs as they cannot be identified since 2002-03, when ring fences were removed with agreement from HM Treasury.4. The figures for 2008-09 are indicative pending scrutiny and sign-off by NAO.5. The source of the above data is the DWP financial systems. Figures agree with those published in the departmental report.