As part of the Department’s efforts to reduce its impact on the environment and comply with the Greening Government ICT strategy published in July 2008, a programme is underway across the MOJ headquarters to replace photocopiers and printers with multi-functional devices, which optimise the green benefits for printing and photocopying services.
The following information has been obtained from central records covering MOJ headquarters, Her Majesty’s Courts Service, Tribunals Service and Office of the Public Guardian:
April 2008
193 document scanners
373 barcode scanners
April 2009
202 document scanners
378 barcode scanners.
For the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), information is as follows:
April 2007
2,309 fax machines; 476 scanners;
April 2008
2,404 fax machines; 447 scanners;
April 20091
439 scanners.
1 Fax machines purchased in April 2009 have been removed from the contract and the figure is therefore unavailable. This information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
The other detailed information requested is not collected centrally and could only be obtained through a separate data gathering exercise which would incur disproportionate costs.