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Prisons: Drugs

Volume 496: debated on Wednesday 15 July 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice (1) how many prisons operated a policy of five per cent. random mandatory drug testing in each financial year from 2002-03 to 2008-09; how many (a) random and (b) non-random tests were performed in such prisons in each such year; how many such tests were positive for (i) cannabis, (ii) opiates (excluding methadone), (iii) non-prescribed methadone and (iv) prescribed methadone; (285886)

(2) how many (a) random and (b) non-random mandatory drug tests were performed in each prison in each financial year from 2002-03 to 2008-09; and how many such tests were positive for (i) cannabis, (ii) opiates (excluding methadone), (iii) non-prescribed methadone and (iv) prescribed methadone in each prison in each such year.

The data requested are not readily available. I will write to the hon. Member once the information is available and place a copy in the Library of the House.