(2) how many homes for social rent have been built in (a) Hemel Hempstead constituency, (b) Dacorum and (c) Hertfordshire in each of the last five years.
Information on new homes built for social rent and affordable housing is not available by constituency.
The following table shows the number of new affordable homes built in Dacorum local authority and Hertfordshire in each of the last five years.
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Dacorum 140 20 20 120 190 Hertfordshire 860 690 760 1,540 1,110
The following table shows the number of new social rented homes built in Dacorum local authority and Hertfordshire in each of the last five years.
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Dacorum 110 0 10 50 100 Hertfordshire 760 550 530 890 620 Source: Homes and Communities Agency investment Management System (IMS), and local authority returns to CLG. Figures have been rounded to nearest 10 units.
Not all social rented and affordable housing is provided by new build completions, as some supply can come from acquisitions. For example, in 2007-08, a total of 210 additional affordable homes were provided in Dacorum (new build and acquisitions), and 1,310 additional affordable homes were provided in Hertfordshire (new build and acquisitions).