(2) how many of the cases of H1N1 flu reported to the Health Protection Agency by 16 June 2009 were recorded as having been hospitalised by 30 June 2009; and how many such patients were aged (a) under 10, (b) 10 to 19, (c) 20 to 29, (d) 30 to 39, (e) 40 to 49, (f) 50 to 59 and (g) over 60 years;
(3) how many of the cases of H1N1 flu reported to the Health Protection Agency by 16 June 2009 were recorded as being (a) imported, (b) indigenous and (c) not assigned or not known.
The cases reported by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) are shown in the following tables.
Not all of the data requested are currently available. This is because:
testing for swine flu is based on swabs, not blood samples;
data for Scotland are not currently available for the period requested;
complete data on the commencement of antiviral treatment or prophylaxis is not available. This is because once detailed data on the first few hundred cases had been collected, the HPA stopped collecting that level of detailed information; and
verified data on hospitalisations is only available up to 16 June.
Age group Counts Gender Under 10 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 Over 60 Unknown Grand total Imported Female 8 10 25 18 11 2 6 1 81 Male 9 12 35 18 12 8 6 7 107 Unknown 1 3 2 1 7 Imported total 18 22 63 36 25 10 12 9 195 Indigenous Female 62 64 19 16 14 9 2 5 191 Male 64 123 17 11 6 1 2 3 227 Unknown 10 2 2 1 1 1 17 Indigenous total 136 189 38 28 20 11 4 9 435 Unknown Female 48 46 16 7 12 3 2 30 164 Male 50 70 16 17 6 3 26 188 Unknown 17 10 6 2 1 1 33 70 Unknown total 115 126 38 26 19 7 2 89 422 Grand total 269 337 139 90 64 28 18 107 1,052 Date of onset not known 143 139 62 43 22 6 5 76 496 Date of onset known 126 198 77 47 42 22 13 31 556 Grand total 269 337 139 90 64 28 18 107 1,052
Number of cases hospitalised Age group Hospitalisation Under 10 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 Over 60 Unknown Grand total Yes 2 — 1 1 1 — — 1 6
Route of infection imported Total Imported 195 Indigenous 435 Unknown 422 Grand total 1,052