The following tables show the total income for each of the national lottery good causes for each financial year since 1995-96. Figures are adjusted to 2008-09 prices, using GDP deflators for the most recent year available from the Treasury. All figures are rounded to the nearest £ thousand. Figures for the financial year 2008-09 are provisional figures subject to audit and do not take account of the transfer of £73 million from the National Lottery Distribution Fund to the Olympic Lottery Distribution Fund, which took place on the 2 February 2009.
The sport good cause comprises the following Lottery Distributing Bodies: UK Sport, Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sports Council Wales and Sport Scotland. The arts good cause comprises Arts Council England, Arts Council Wales, Arts Council Northern Ireland, Scottish Screen, UK Film Council and Scottish Arts Council. The millennium good cause comprised the Millennium Commission, which was dissolved in 2006-07. The heritage good cause comprises the Heritage Lottery Fund. The health, education, environment and charitable expenditure good cause comprises the Big Lottery Fund, which is the successor to the Community Fund and the New Opportunities Fund.
Amount adjusted to 2008-09 prices (£) 1995-96 422,857,000 1996-97 421,144,000 1997-98 470,735,000 1998-99 384,195,000 1999-2000 343,497,000 2000-01 362,161,000 2001-02 362,607,000 2002-03 300,423,000 2003-04 257,324,000 2004-05 263,935,000 2005-06 263,841,000 2006-07 223,841,000 2007-08 221,791,000 2008-09 218,635,000
Amount adjusted to 2008-09 prices (£) 1995-96 422,712,000 1996-97 418,743,000 1997-98 458,115,000 1998-99 357,510,000 1999-2000 329,475,000 2000-01 340,664,000 2001-02 354,996,000 2002-03 297,642,000 2003-04 259,278,000 2004-05 265,528,000 2005-06 264,986,000 2006-07 223,286,000 2007-08 221,791,000 2008-09 218,634,000
Amount adjusted to 2008-09 prices (£) 1995-96 423,842,000 1996-97 426,895,000 1997-98 516,000,000 1998-99 497,515,000 1999-2000 439,808,000 2000-01 420,358,000 2001-02 167,866,000 2002-03 24,888,000 2003-04 7,286,000 2004-05 6,698,000 2005-06 4,252,000 2006-07 1,682,000 2007-08 — 2008-09 —
Amount adjusted to 2008-09 prices (£) 1995-96 421,877,000 1996-97 421,002,000 1997-98 473,931,000 1998-99 393,671,000 1999-2000 363,186,000 2000-01 388,282,000 2001-02 384,894,000 2002-03 338,643,000 2003-04 278,861,000 2004-05 293,300,000 2005-06 292,084,000 2006-07 242,648,000 2007-08 221,794,000 2008-09 218,634,000
Amount adjusted to 2008-09 prices (£) 1995-96 423,544,000 1996-97 421,092,000 1997-98 607,955,000 1998-99 799,146,000 1999-2000 684,000,000 2000-01 653,652,000 2001-02 913,939,000 2002-03 888,174,000 2003-04 771,336,000 2004-05 790,185,000 2005-06 787,657,000 2066-07 660,503,000 2007-08 665,376,000 2008-09 655,880,000