Performance-related pay is designed to help drive high performance and support better public service delivery. Performance awards reward high performance sustained throughout the year, and are non-pensionable and non-consolidated.
Based on the information available, the number of staff receiving these awards is shown in the following table.
Financial year2 Number of staff receiving Total value (£) Number of staff receiving Total value (£) 2008-09 141 1,210,000 2,930 31,114,592 1 The annual performance awards are paid on a non-consolidated, non-pensionable basis and do not increase the Department’s pay-bill costs each year. For the SCS, the Senior Salaries Review Body determines the level of expenditure to cover bonuses. 2 Financial year running from 1 April to 31 March. 3 Includes staff who were transferred from BERR to DECC as part of the October 2008 machinery of government changes as these staff received a BERR pay award in 2008.
Performance awards make up 1.8 per cent. of the Department’s pay bill of £127,434,847
I have approached the chief executives of the Department’s Executive agencies and they will respond to you directly.