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Departmental Expenditure

Volume 497: debated on Tuesday 13 October 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how much funding from each of his Department's projects will be diverted to the Department for Communities and Local Government to implement the housing policies announced in the Draft Legislative Programme 2009-10. (289539)

The Home Office has been able to identify emerging underspends from which to contribute to the housing programme, and as a result it has not been necessary to divert funding from any programmes or projects.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what expenditure his Department has incurred on room hire at the City Inn in Westminster in the last 24 months; and on how many occasions such rooms have been hired by his Department in that period. (290807)

[holding answer 9 September 2009]: The Department has made payments totalling £5,651 to City Inn, Westminster, during the last two years. These relate to the hiring of conference facilities by business areas on four occasions.

Of the Department's agencies, the Criminal Records Bureau has not made any payments and Identity and Passport Service cannot provide the information without incurring disproportionate cost.

All Home Office expenditure conforms to the principles of regularity, propriety and value for money, and any other guidance as applicable contained within “Managing Public Money” and the Treasury handbook on “Regularity and Propriety.”