Using data based on the locations of dealerships and data for scrappage transactions which have been completed and cars delivered, there have been 1312 completed scrappage transactions in Merseyside. There have been 29 completed transactions in the Crosby constituency.
[holding answer 16 September 2009]: No loans or guarantees have been made under the AAP yet.
BIS has already been in direct contact with nearly two-thirds of all companies who qualify for AAP assistance. To date, BIS officials have worked with over 20 companies on their formal expressions of interest.
BIS officials are in advanced negotiations with companies for applications with a value of some £1 billion driving projects worth nearly £2 billion, and there are discussions in place that have the potential to lead to awards of a further £1 billion.
The AAP is a long-term investment programme and the pace is being dictated by the companies who ask for time to prepare their business cases and negotiate financing with potential lenders.
The details of support to companies are commercially sensitive and subject to agreement. As a general rule, the Government’s intention is to offer loan guarantees, though there is scope under the scheme to offer loans as well.
[holding answer 16 September 2009]: No applications for funding under the Vehicle Scrappage Scheme have been refused by BIS, provided British Forces Germany have been able to verify the date of registration of the vehicle on their registration database, and provided the other scheme criteria are met. This arrangement follows discussion and agreement between officials in my Department and the MOD.
BIS has been in regular contact with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders about the Automotive Assistance Programme (AAP) as well as direct contact with over 90 automotive companies (including Tata Motors European Technical Centre where a £10 million loan has been announced). We have been working with over 20 companies on their formal expressions of interest.