The information requested is shown in the following table.
Departmental funding stream Start date End date Expenditure to date (£ million) Planned expenditure (£ million) Genetics White Paper: gene therapy research programme 2004 2010 3 — National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centres 2007 2009 2.3 n/a NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research Care 2007 2010 — 0.05 NIHR Health Technology Assessment 2005 2013 1.4 1.8 NIHR New and Emerging Applications of Technology 2006 2009 0.3 — NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research 2009 2014 — 2 NIHR Research for Patient Benefit 2010 2012 — 0.2 Policy Research Programme 2006 2010 — 15.8 n/a = not available 1 This figure includes the total funding allocated by the Department to the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit. Only one of the Unit's five work streams is relevant to SGD but we do not have the means separately to identify the cost of that work stream. Note: Planned expenditure figures are a snapshot of the position at September 2009. Actual expenditure in future years will depend on a number of presently unknown factors, including the possible allocation of funds to new studies.
The NIHR Clinical Research Network is additionally providing national health service research infrastructure support to 16 SGD-related studies.
The Medical Research Council (MRC) also invests in genomic research and genomic medicine. The MRC receives its grant in aid from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.