There are no current planned changes to levels of Decent Homes funding to fund other housing measures announced in the Draft Legislative Programme.
Four Round 6 ALMOs—Haringey, Blackpool, Enfield and Stevenage—have funded Decent Homes investment programmes. On 14 July, as part of the Housing Pledge announcement, the Minister for Housing announced that those remaining Round 6 ALMOs, who had yet to qualify for Decent Homes funding on that date, are more likely to receive their capital allocations in 2011-12, subject to the ALMO achieving the Audit Commission inspection rating required.
There are no plans to divert funding from the Decent Homes programme in 2009-10. In 2011-11, £150 million has been reprioritised from the programme to fund the Housing Pledge initiative to contribute to the building of new homes.
As at 31 March 2009, the proportion of homes owned by registered social landlords that own stock transferred from local authorities, which met the Decent Homes Standard was 88.1 per cent.
RSR 2009
Information reported by local arm’s- length management companies in 2008 on dwellings that meet the Decent Homes standard show that 69 per cent. of their homes met the standard.
As at 31 March 2009 the proportion of homes owned by registered social landlords which met the Decent Homes standard was 91.7 per cent.
RSR 2009