The requested information is contained in the following table. This is a snapshot of the number of beds available at midnight on the Thursday of the week. The availability of beds nationally will vary on an almost constant basis and therefore these figures should not be compared with data on critical care bed availability published in other formats. The data are validated locally but may be subject to revisions.
Period Adult critical care beds at midnight on the Thursday of the reporting period Number of neonatal critical care cots (or beds) at midnight on the Thursday of the reporting period Number of paediatric critical care beds at midnight on the Thursday of the reporting period Total number of acute hospital beds at midnight on the Thursday of the reporting period Week ending: Available Occupied Available Occupied Available Occupied Available Occupied 5 April 2009 3,265 2,901 1,081 816 359 258 104,869 95,509 12 April 2009 3,282 2,852 1,076 803 378 254 101,921 88,669 19 April 2009 3,313 2,862 1,088 812 357 267 104,550 93,411 26 April 2009 3,312 2,835 1,083 801 369 262 103,495 91,977 3 May 2009 3,307 2,885 1,066 819 320 221 103,032 91,719 10 May 2009 3,373 2,855 1,108 856 367 269 103,367 93,145 17 May 2009 3,335 2,915 1,087 866 355 257 103,565 93,079 24 May 2009 3,361 2,825 1,089 854 365 258 103,495 92,682 31 May 2009 3,379 2,857 1,074 812 350 243 104,057 91,133 7 June 2009 3,279 2,911 1,085 824 374 258 103,096 92,194 14 June 2009 3,316 2,897 1,111 848 352 247 103,705 91,663 21 June 2009 3,302 2,846 1,082 830 372 264 102,918 90,883 28 June 2009 3,321 2,740 1,083 827 360 262 103,102 90,804 5 July 2009 3,318 2,789 1,099 791 364 250 103,021 91,984 12 July 2009 3,356 2,888 1,098 835 349 247 102,791 91,128 19 July 2009 3,352 2,830 1,121 820 359 236 101,699 89,175 26 July 2009 3,301 2,801 1,120 825 357 238 102,787 89,077 2 August 2009 3,319 2,748 1,114 786 360 240 102,421 87,995 9 August 2009 3,384 2,752 1,109 767 362 237 102,651 88,478 16 August 2009 3,388 2,739 1,117 761 360 244 102,415 88,532 23 August 2009 3,335 2,691 1,133 809 402 268 101,333 90,410 30 August 2009 3,329 2,683 1,125 807 389 258 102,317 88,378 6 September 2009 3,370 2,725 1,119 810 328 216 102,027 89,143 Notes: 1. Data within the ‘Weekly SitReps’ collection are subject to revision. Therefore data may differ from previous submissions. 2. Acute beds collected on the ‘Weekly SitReps’ collection is a voluntary data item. 3. Data are provided from the start of the financial year, which for SitReps means the first week is week ending 5 April 2009. Source: Department of Health form—Weekly SitReps