The information requested is not available at the constituency level but can be provided by local authority where the data source is considered to be of sufficient quality.
Information on the average salary of teachers is available only for full-time regular qualified teachers in service in local authority maintained schools. The following table provides this information for Wakefield local authority in both cash and real terms in each year, March 1997 to 2007, the latest year for which information is available by local authority.
Gross average salary (£)1 Actual Real terms2 1997 22,100 28,000 1998 22,800 28,100 1999 23,600 28,600 2000 24,800 29,400 2001 26,800 31,300 2002 27,700 31,600 2003 29,500 32,700 2004 30,700 33,100 2005 31,700 33,200 20063 32,800 33,700 20073 33,900 33,900 1 Gross salary of teachers of all grades including allowances. 2 Adjusted using HM Treasury GDP deflator. 3 Provisional. Note: Figures are rounded to the nearest £100. Source: Database of Teacher records