[holding answer 15 October 2009]: Detail on the constituent parts of the planned safeguarding spending, aggregated in DCSF’s departmental annual report 2009, are provided in the table for the year 2010-11.
£000 Teenage Pregnancy/Substance Misuse 10,185 Safeguarding Children and Supporting Families Grant 1,130
Please note that additional expenditure on these programmes occurs outside the departmental body as part of local authority spending.
Detail on the constituent parts of the Department's Child Wellbeing programmes, which are shown aggregated in DCSF's departmental annual report 2009, are provided in the following table for the years 2009-10 and 2010-11:
Child Wellbeing 2009-10 2010-11 Priority Funds—Extension of three/four year old offer 0 340 Children in care proposals 43 48 Joint birth registration 1 10 Commissioning efficiency 17 0 Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers' children/choice protects (receipts) -15 -18 School based mental health 19 0 Teenage pregnancy grant 0 2 Treatment foster care 0 1 Child well being total 65 383
[holding answer 16 October 2009]: The Department’s programmes shown aggregated in DCSF’s departmental Annual Report 2009 for the year 2010-11 are provided in the following table:
Youth programmes £000 Contact Point (Capital) 35,200 Youth Challenge Fund 4,300 Workforce Development Capital Grant 218 National Youth Agency (NYA)/National Voluntary Youth Agency (NVYO) Grants 8,000 Children and Families Directorate (CFD) Capital Grant 21,334 Voluntary Child Services (VCS) Children Young People and Families (CYPF) Grant & capacity improving 21,802 Communications/Participation/Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS) 864 Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS)/Integrated Children’s System (ICS)/ Making Safeguarding Everyone’s Responsibility (MSER)/Adoption Strategy/ Quality Protects (QP) 59,523 Family Fund Trust/Contact a Family 23,322 10 Year Strategy Additions 66,000 Youth Sector Support 40,000 Peer Mentoring 240 Youth Programmes total 280,803